here are two prints i bought today at the Norman Rockwell Museum:
"Mermaid (A Fair Catch)"

"Marriage License"

then we headed over, got on the bus, and went to Norman Rockwell. we got to see his studio, which i was insanely envious of...i really really wish i had room at home to do my artwork..i usually have to sprawl out on the dining room table, but even so, i can't make much of a mess because it IS a dining room first and foremost. anyway, the exhibits were cool, we got to see some of the archival objects, like an original cereal box from the 1950's with one of Rockwell's illustrations on it. also on display were the black and white photos used by Rockwell as photographic reference. the thing i really love about his illustrations is that they really make me laugh....he wasn't cheesy with his humor, nor too sappy. his pieces are so awesome. i am really proud that he is from around where i live.
after the museum we sat outside in the beautiful weather....being up in the berkshires, it was so peaceful and quiet at the museum, and the air was fresh. it was soooo nice. nothing like a spring day in the sun.
then we went back into the center of stockbridge and got lunch at this cute little cafe. we walked around some of the shops later too. this one pawn-type shop had a TON of beatles/wizard of oz and comic nostalgia. i pretty much died. the coolest thing i saw were original LIFE magazines and the sort from the 1950's and 1960's. one that blew my mind was a March 1964 issue of LIFE with the beatles on the cover. i almost died. that thing could be worth so much some day....too bad it was $50 though, but it is probably really worth it. oh well.
marissa and i browsed a couple more shops, which were cute and reminded her of vermont. when i told her i knew about the equinox inn in vermont, she was so surprised and excited that i knew about it! we have a lot more in common than i thought, which is wicked cool because we will be living together next year. it will be nice to be able to relate on so many levels.
after shops, we got some gelato at a posh little place. i had hazelnut and chocolate mmmm...then we continued out stroll back to the bus. by the time everyone had gotten back onto the bus, they were pooped. half the people on the bus (myself included) fell asleep on the way to the clark art institute.
in all honestly, the clark was not my absolute cup of tea. i am more of a fan of artwork from the early 20th century and beyond....not really a huge fan of the 19th and 18th century work, but i absolutely appreciate its craft. it's like if i had to choose between the metropolitan museum of art and the MOMA in new york city, i would pick the MOMA. modern art just inspires me, and it makes me think a lot more.
there was an interesting display of giovanni boldini's work, however.
the ride home was so long, it seemed like it would never end. jon called me during the ride, and i was really happy to hear from him :o) he sounded like he was in a good mood, which always makes me smile. he asked me again if i could go snowboarding this weekend, but sadly i cannot because we are having easter at my house this year. oh well. hopefully i can still see him, even if it's for a little.
when i got back to school, i immediately went to pick up my illustration portfolio, and then my dad had just arrived to pick me up as i walked up the hill. he came up with me to my room to help me pick up some of my stuff....i brought a lot of room decor home this weekend, cause there is pretty much a month left of school (so exciting). especially with all my art things, it's good for me to bring stuff home gradually that i don't need. i remember last year i had my car at school for the last week, and most of my stuff had already been brought home. after checkout, all i really did was take my bedding and a bag of stuff home and i was off for the summer. simple enough for me!
OH!! so i have scheduled an interview with the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art!!!! Wednesday April 7th at 2:00pm. i am very excited....i hope i hear from American Greetings by then? maybe likely? we will have to see!
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