1. cutting your fingernails so short that it hurts to use your fingers
2. running out of toilet paper when you really need it
3. going to the store for one thing in particular and they do not have it
4. when your cell phone has fallen out of your back pocket and into the toilet
5. tuning your guitar and one of the strings breaks and scares the crap out of you
6. getting food poisoning
7. getting pooped on by a bird
8. getting your food stolen by a seagull at the beach
9. when a bear has ripped open your camping tent and eaten your science notes in search of food
10. tripping and fall flat on your face
11. seeing a couple makeout when you are single
12. getting a paper cut from a wicked thick piece of paper
13. making an awesome vase on the ceramics wheel until it gives way and collapses three seconds before you were about to stop
14. not getting an internship you really wanted
15. having your boyfriend break up with you and not tell you why
16. going rollerskating and get some wonderful blisters afterwards
17. growing out of your once-favorite item of clothing
18. getting a rip in the crotch of your jeans, out of all places
19. wearing sandals to a concert and your feet get stepped on
20. getting thrown up on
21. when the fire alarm goes off at 3am when you are really exhausted
22. when you get a bug bite the size of alaska on your ass
23. when an item of clothing you really adore is way too expensive
24. getting into a fight with someone you really care about the day you are going to see your favorite band in concert
25. when you're typing a final paper and the power goes out
26. hitting a patch of ice when you're snowboarding
27. when you're so tired in the morning that you accidentally pour orange juice in your cereal and milk in your cup instead of vice-versa